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Laptop bugs out in recent update

What bugs? I can try to fix it

it looks really great but I have trouble playing it on mobile devices because the image - even if I hide it in settings - somehow prevents access to some menus. Like buying shoes.

Also if you change in a public toilet you might loose the cloths you have been wearing until then…

nevertheless I think it is going to be a great game and I love to wait for further updates 

Hi thank you for the comment! There is indeed a problem with the formatting, because even though the picture is hidden, the right UI bar is not stowed... I will change the code so that you can stow the right UI bar when you hide the image, so it will not cover any buttons. Also about the public toilets, I will look into that. When you change there, your clothes are supposed to go into your bag, but there is probably a bug. I will improve these in the next update ^^

Can't seem to select nsfw mode somehow :/


Hey, I just found out the problem. You are probably using the mobile version, and because of the formatting, the Right UI bar covers the nsfw button even though it is transparent. I will change the code so that it is stowed until the start and you can also turn off the picture in the settings. 

I just turned on debug mode and switch back when done lol

Thanks for the reply! I hope this project run smoothly and good luck ^^


Oh published 1 day ago? I guess I'll try it later. Good luck with the game. I liked the description

Hehe, that's a good idea, too! The next update will fix and add lots of new stuff.


Firstly, I appreciate all the work you put into these, your passion and dedication are clear to me. Secondly, the game seems to have a solid base so far even with the lack of NSFW stuff. I understand that you try to make it as realistic as possible, however, that's not always what works best. Your game as it is now is way too overwhelming for a text-based game. There are like 4 different libraries and several museums, 3 tram lines, countless districts... I like exploring but it's way too much. The libraries mostly have the same options, what's the difference? why is one better than the other?? I only played about 20 minutes before giving up, most of which I was trying to find the way home after running out of energy (I still have no idea where that was). It's a very strong start, but I'd recommend making it a bit more user-friendly, especially for people who are not familiar with Prague or the Czech language. Hope this helps.


Thanks for the feedback. I’m aiming to make the game as realistic as possible, but I’ll work on making it more user-friendly. It seems you’re not the only one having trouble finding their home, so I’ve now added a ‘home’ symbol on the map (in the next update). Currently, there isn’t much difference between the libraries, apart from slightly varying book selections (uni libraries have most academic books while city libraries have more novels etc.). In the future, I might expand on those differences and add more different features in each places. All the libraries, shops, museums, trams, and metro stations are based on real locations, so I understand why it can be confusing. However, instead of oversimplifying things, I’ll focus on adding more detailed instructions, since I still want to keep the size of the world...


The game doesn't scroll down i can only chosse the name age and body type hight i can't scroll down to choose another option and start the game I'm using android 

Unfortunately, this game is not designed for mobile users. Maybe in the future I can try to format it differently for phones. Now, you can run the game from your phone, but there will be some formatting errors...


Hi Sara 1223! I think now I actually fixed the problem. The problem wasn't in the code apparently. I changed a setting on and now you can scroll down.

Thank you it's fixed


nsfw mode not working


So far, the only NSFW content includes an uncensored body, the option to go out naked, consuming illegal substances and a few events. In the future, the NSFW and wholesome versions will be split into two separate games, as I'm still undecided on the direction I want to take the game. For now, I have to tag it as NSFW on (or they’ll do it for me if they find out), but I don't think it contains as much adult content as other games in this category. In the next update, there may already be two versions: 'DarkLife' and 'DarkLife 18+'. Maybe, I can add more promiscuous contents there. Then we’ll see how many people on are more interested in adult content than in real stories.

After using shower all clothes dissapear 

Hi! This mechanism is meant to imitate real life, so now all your clothes are back in the wardrobe. Though, in a future update, I plan to add an option where, after shower, you can choose to stay naked, wear a towel, or put on the clothes you had before.

Sorry! I tried the shower myself again, all the clothes are indeed gone. You're right. Thanks for telling me this bug!

You have the tab to show what districts have hotels, it would be good to see what district you have an apartment in. Had to restart a game to figure out it was in Nusle. 

Then when I walked home from college on the first day energy was low, which you can rest to fix, but I figured I was in my apartment anyways and would sleep instead. I tried to shower, which you cannot do with a backpack, so I had to figure out how to get rid of the backpack. This meant going to the wardrobe on the bag tab and selecting unpack, which did nothing (i had the laptop still in the bag), then finding the shelf in the apartment which did let you unpack, then back to wardrobe to remove the backpack, then to the shower to shower. 

At this point since I was low energy the character immediately died. Like what? Moving around my apartment should not kill me even if I am tired as there is a bed literally right there. Other games have a pass out mechanism or a "you go to bed because you are too tired" mechanism. Here I just die immediately on my first day just by walking home from college which seems a bit harsh.

Other than figuring out the optimal way to keep the character alive, I do really like the map in the game (once you figure out how to navigate it) and think this has a lot of promise. I love html games and play basically every one I can.

Hey! Thank you very much for your feedback! I've made a few updates: I added a home emoji to the map to mark the protagonist's apartment, and I also adjusted the rate at which health decreases in relation to energy. Additionally, the rule about not bringing bags into the shower has been removed. I'm also planning to add an option where, if your energy and health are very low, you can either go to bed or pass out. For the wardrobe, I have an idea where, when you put down your bag, everything inside it will automatically be transferred to the shelf or into the wardrobe. All these changes will be included in the next update, which is coming soon...